Honors Program

About the Honors Program


The mission of the LAU undergraduate honors program is to cultivate a community of exceptional scholars who are committed to academic excellence, intellectual curiosity, and societal engagement.


The Honors Program is a selective program that provides enhanced educational opportunities for motivated, academically talented and inquisitive undergraduate students from various disciplines.

The program offers special courses in small classes with greater opportunities for participation, increased student-faculty interaction, more individual attention, lively discussions of contemporary issues and other projects specially designed to challenge talented students.

Honors courses enroll an average of 20 students per class, to be able to foster an enhanced academic relationship between students and faculty.

As an Honors student, you will be actively engaged in the learning process resulting in a greater intellectual and emotional investment.

You should expect challenging readings and writings to broaden your knowledge, adding dimension and depth to the topics in question. Honors courses include team work and a research component — they emphasize enriched rather than accelerated learning.

Benefits (as of Fall 2024)

The Honors Program offers a variety of advantages to help students excel in their studies and personal development. Students gain access to exclusive opportunities like research and entrepreneurship courses, internships, and independent study possibilities. Additionally, they receive access to dedicated facilities, and preferential services such as tutoring and student support. The program fosters a sense of community through annual events showcasing student achievements and culminates in special graduation recognition, including a co-curricular transcript, honors regalia, and a dedicated ceremony. Beyond academics, the program equips students with valuable skills in leadership, communication, and teamwork, while also offering personalized career guidance and access to professional networks. This approach empowers students to thrive in graduate school and their chosen career paths.

Maintaining Honors Program Status

As of Fall 2024

To maintain their status in the Honors Program, students must demonstrate continued academic excellence and integrity. This includes upholding a clean academic record, free from any violations or warnings, and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 3.2. Students who fall below the required CGPA but remain above a 3.0 will be placed on probation for one semester. However, failure to meet the minimum CGPA by the end of the probationary semester will unfortunately result in dismissal from the Honors Program.

Before Fall 2024

To continue in the Honors Program, students are expected to maintain a clean record (no violations of academic integrity) and a 3.5 CGPA (for students majoring in Bioinformatics, Biology, Business, Computer Science, Economics, Political Sciences, English and Psychology), or 3.2 CGPA (for students majoring in Engineering and Architecture) and have completed more than 90 credits in their major excluding freshman credits. If the CGPA falls below this requirement, but is at least 3.0, the student will be placed on Honors probation for one semester, excluding the summer term. If the required CGPA is not attained by the end of the probationary semester, the student is dismissed from the Honors Program

Graduation Requirements for Honors Program

As of Fall 2024

Completing the Honors Program requires fulfilling three core components: coursework, academic standing, and co-curricular engagement.

Students must finish the designated 18 credits while maintaining a minimum CGPA of 3.2. Additionally, they need to develop an “e-Portfolio” endorsed by the program director. This portfolio should document the completion of co-curricular requirements, including participation in at least 3 Honors workshops and 2 activities within or outside LAU. These activities can encompass soft-skills workshops, service learning, leadership experiences, advocacy initiatives, research and entrepreneurial projects, community engagement, civic initiatives, and even wellbeing exercises. To help students navigate this process, training on portfolio development, organization, and publication will be included as part of the co-curricular requirements.

Fulfilling these requirements will grant graduates the prestigious distinction of “University Honors” on their transcript and permanent records.

Before Fall 2024

Completing the Honors Program requires fulfilling three core components: coursework, academic standing, and soft skills workshops.

Students must finish the designated 18 credits while maintaining 3.5 CGPA overall and a 3.5 major Honors courses GPA for all majors except Engineering and Architecture, However, for Engineering and Architecture major  maintaining 3.2 CGPA overall and a 3.2 major Honors courses GPA s.

There are also 3 mandatory zero-credit soft skills workshops that focus on valuable skills like goal setting and leadership.

Fulfilling these requirements will grant graduates the prestigious distinction of “University Honors” on their transcript and permanent records.